
E-Mail is the life blood of any business, making sure your emails are delivered is what we do.

Whether you use Webhosted E-Mail (POP3 & IMAP), Google Workspace (GSuite) or Microsoft 365 we can help you.

If you’re using tools for marketing e-mails like Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, HighLevel, we can make sure you deliver professionally.

E-Mail isn’t as simple as it’s just there, like many Domain resellers would have you believe. There are a lot of technical things behind the scenes to make sure it is you sending your email, that the spam checkers look for. SPF, DKIM, DMARC and BIMI – have you started to yawn with the technobabble? Don’t worry drop us a call and we will explain this in English.

Better yet – check to see if your email is set up correctly for you, with our Domain Checker below


Domain Checker

Please fill in this form to get access to our tool to check your SPF, DKIM, DMARC and BIMI settings


What are these?
DMARC – This tells the receiving servers how confident you are to reject false emails pretending to be you.

SPF – This is the absolute basics everyone should have – Google now rejects emails without SPF records.

DKIM – This is next level email security that is becoming standard.

BIMI – This allows you to officially show your logo in the E-Mail circle.

When you have done the check, click Increase Score to book in for an complimentary IT Health Check to find out how your settings can be improved.

Proud BNI Member Cyber Essentials Certified Kaseya & Datto Silver Partner Datto Certified SAAS Protection Practitioner Microsoft Silver Partner